Lazy Staff Goes Stupid!
Dennis Horion
Mon 1/31/2022 10:35 PM
To: Heckman, Brien (AG) <>
You have become a featured topic on our child molester web site. You will be known for your behavior for years to come. You can share the good news with family and friends. The value of you education will be on full display. Your failure to respect our concerns will be an ongoing highlight on our site and emails to the local media in Michigan. I suggest you address our concerns and shut this operation down yet again. You may want to use you education to get a current location for every child molester seeking their help. Once obtained, you need to make formal referrals to every law enforcement organization for follow up investigation. No need to thank us for the free career boost. We encourage you to share the good news with Dana. I am sure she will be happy to know about your stellar efforts to antagonize us on her behalf.
Dennis Horion
Dennis Horion
Mon 1/31/2022 5:48 PM
To: Heckman, Brien (AG) <>
These men are representing themselves as a non-profit organization without the appropriate approvals. They are based in Michigan taking donations and offering services after being closed for the same behavior. It is ridiculous to think you will only offer help for a Michigan resident. We know they are bringing child rapists to your State and helping them to hide in plain sight. The information that you are asking for is beyond our resources. You are the enforcement agency responsible for shutting down criminal behavior. You can seek their financials, make donations to them, and make a criminal referral to the appropriate prosecutor. In short, these men are using your jurisdiction to put children at great risk. Their list of clients is a criminal watch list of the first order. AG Nessel may not be interested but Matthew Deperno may feel very differently. He may understand our desire to protect children. You seem to be treating me as an ill-informed fool. We need to see an action plan that shuts these criminals down. We need to see a referral for criminal prosecution. You need to start taking their assets and reimbursing their victims.
Dennis Horion
From: Heckman, Brien (AG) <>
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 5:10 PM
To: Dennis Horion <>
Cc: Murphy, Annette (AG) <>
Subject: Follow-up ***
I’m following up on our call from Friday. As discussed, I’m wondering if you have specific information that Joseph Maher is soliciting funds from Michigan residents on behalf of the Men of Melchizedek, Inc.?
Specifically, I’m wondering if he’s made phone calls to Michigan residents, posted mail to Michigan residents, sent an email to a Michigan resident, or approached Michigan residents in person to solicit funds for the organization. If you have names, addresses, and phone numbers of individuals that he may have contacted, that would be helpful. I didn’t see this information on your website.

Brien Winfield Heckman
Assistant Attorney General
Corporate Oversight Division
Michigan Dep’t of Attorney General
P.O. Box 30736
Lansing MI 48909
Phone: (517) 335-3934
Fax: (517) 335-6755
Cell 269-501-9806
Sat 1/29/2022 9:14 AM
Our victim's advocacy organization contacted the Michigan Attorney General's office to complain on 10/7/2012 about a group of seasoned grifters operating in Michigan helping hide pedophile priests in plain sight. A representative from Dana Nessel's office contacted us after almost four months to discuss our concerns. He stated that he had not looked at our postings on our web site because there was too much information. He asked us if we had donated to this organization. He told us he could not access our links to these creeper criminals via a public computer. He said he would contact us at a later date to discuss our concerns. We will be happy to let every pedophile know your lax attitude to hiding pedophiles in plain sight in Michigan.